The Best Choice for Pet Care
1 hour OFF leash adventure (8 dog maximum)
Service includes:
1 hour at the off leash park, a ride to and from the park, foot and belly rubdown if wet or muddy, detailed report of the walk left in a journal, plenty of socialization and exercise. We keep you informed of changes in behavior, stamina, and anything else we observe day to day.
$26 per outing
$15 for each additional dog in one household
15 minute ON leash walk
Service includes:
A 15 minute walk around your neighborhood, positive reinforcement of good ON leash manners, a foot and belly rubdown if wet or muddy, a detailed report of the walk left in a journal, plenty of love and attention. We keep you informed of changes in behavior, stamina, and anything else we observe day to day. This service is meant to transition puppies to the off-leash group. On leash walks are completed between 11:00am and 2:00pm, Monday to Friday.
15 minute walk – $21
15 minute - each additional dog – $10
(only offered in select communities, please inquire for more details)
(Minimum 2 days Weekly required)